
Mrs Cecelia Halleron (Head of Department)
Mrs Danielle Kearney
Ms Laura Mc Keown (Technician)
Our Departmental Aim
Children can take their experiences of the world and transform them through Art and Design. They can make new connections and relationships through their imaginative and inventive minds. Creative people are in demand in the world of work and our creative young people are the future. We seek to develop creative thinking skills and practical skills through a broad range of artistic experiences, processes and techniques. Art and Design Education enables children to express their individuality, to develop perseverance and focus, to gain confidence and enjoy the decision making process.
We provide Art and Design Education from Year 8 toward GCSE as an options subject and beyond to A Level.
Key Stage 3
At Key Stage 3 students study Art and Design for one hour per week. The course at Key Stage 3 presents a variety of opportunities to enable students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills. Students will explore the visual world through observation, recording and experimenting, both in two and three dimensions. Students are encouraged to analyze and evaluate their work and that of others thus developing research and literacy skills.
Students at Key Stage 3 receive homework and are assessed on a two weekly basis, all homework links directly to schemes of work. It is completed using a range of methods and the use of I-Pads forms part of the submission of homework when appropriate.
Students are formally assessed 4 times during the academic year.
Key Stage 4
Students who select Art for GCSE will follow the 2 year CCEA Revised GCSE in Art and Design. We are fortunate to incorporate as many gallery visits and experiences with local working artists and designers as possible. The final grade awarded is based on a 100% practical range of coursework over the two years. So, a genuine interest, a good work ethic, an ability to work independently and excellent attendance is the tried and tested recipe for success.
Post 16 AS/A2 Level
Those students who have successfully attained their GCSE in Art and Design can chose to follow the CCEA Revised A’Level in Art and Design. Students can opt to follow the 1 year AS Course; after which they can cash in their A’Level grade. If they wish to achieve a full A’level award they must complete the 2 year course. At this level work undertaken by students is decided through discussion on an individual basis. Our students have continued to third level education in art colleges or, given the fact that Art and Design has retained its academic currency, others have used their grade to pursue alternative degree courses.
To realise the full potential of our students We offer additional help in terms of after school activities for Key Stage 3 students and additional teaching is offered for examination students on an ongoing basis.
We acknowledge creative excellence in house through our “Artist of the Month “ award and annually work is professionally framed and displayed around our school.
Down Arts Centre Downpatrick: visits, workshops
Down Community Arts-Halloween Extravaganza
Workshops with local primary schools
BLC Art Workshops cross community workshops with neighboring schools
Artists in house workshops
Ulster Museum Belfast: visits, workshops
"We are a caring and committed multi-faith school, confident in meeting the needs of every child."

52 Crossgar Road
Co Down
BT24 8XS

028 9756 2518