St Colman’s, Ballynahinch Year 13 Art Student’s Masterpieces are the Forerunner in Down Arts Centre’s Summer Catalogue for the Annual School Exhibition.
St Colman’s Year 13 pupil Jack Thompson’s credulous artwork has been demanded and granted by a panel of judges to be published as the forerunner in this year's summer edition of the Down Arts Centre catalogue.
Each year the Down Arts Centre holds an Annual School Exhibition where teachers within the district have the opportunity to publicise student’s A' Level art pieces.
Principal Mr Mark Morgan and Head of Art Mrs Cecelia Halleron are very proud of Jack’s achievement after all his hard work and dedication in accomplishing his masterpieces.
St Colman’s A’ Level art class look forward to attending the exhibition alongside Mrs Halleron in the forthcoming weeks to overview the credulous work by other students within the community.
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