4 Step Process
Step 1:
All students enrolled in our Google Classroom have opportunity to ask staff about the types of courses available. Contact sixthform@stcolmanshs.org providing your c2k username to be sent a Google Classroom request.
Step 2:
in April, download and complete our Application Form. You will be able to complete all details except for GCSE results. You will be able to pick 3 subjects from the Option Blocks to be reviewed once GCSE results are available. It will be made available via Google Classroom and School Website.
Step 3:
On GCSE Results Day (August 2024), a member of the Post 16 team will make contact to collect GCSE Results, give advice on the best route forward and the best combination of A-Levels and Level 3 courses to choose depending on the students' outcomes. Enrolment and option choices are made on this day and confirmation will be made via letter.
Step 4:
At the start of term in September, students should arrive at St. Colman’s for enrolment and counselling about an individual curriculum to suit their needs. Sessions on study skills and time management will be delivered to prepare students for the more independent learning style needed at Post 16.
Applying for a Place

Applying for a place at St Colman’s Sixth Form College
Anyone who wishes to continue his or her education after the age of 16 is advised to find out what St Colman’s Sixth Form College can offer you:
Currently, we can not offer a tour of the college, however, if you have any questions about the options provided here, contact Danielle Kearney (Director of Post 16) on 02897562518, email sixthform@stcolmanshs.org or use the contact form below to gain access to the Preparation for Post 16 Classroom.
We have developed a Preparation for Post-16 Google Classroom. Here students and parents will find:
- Details on all the subjects offered.
- Prep Work for any Subject they may be interested in studying in the form of suggested YouTube Videos, Podcasts and Articles to read.
- Videos explaining Year 13 in each subject.
We would encourage all prospective students to download the Google Classroom App to a personal tablet or phone and login in with their @stcolmanshs.org account or @c2ken.net account if they studies Year 12 in a different school. This Google Classroom with the first place any relevant information regarding GCSE Results and Post 16 Progression will be posted. Please have a look through the material with your son/daughter with 3 possible subjects to study in mind.
The Post 16 Application Form will be made available to Pre-Complete and submit leaving just GCSE Results to add in when made available in August 2024. This will allow St Colman's Sixth Form to possibly complete applications via phone or video chat in August if guidelines require us to do so.
All enquires regarding St Colman's Sixth Form can be made to sixthform@stcolmanshs.org
Option forms for Year 12 students
Currently on the Google Classroom is an Early Interest Form. Completing and submitting this form is extremely important. We will analyse the choices all students make and may re-arrange the option blocks to meet student needs. It is important to indicate interest in a subject early. Whilst we fully support your child with the adequate subjects, on occasions nil returns for a subject, or a very small number of students indicating that they wish to opt for a subject means the subject may not run in that year.
Please note:
1. Entry to St Colman’s Post 16 is dependent on you having shown a positive attitude to learning in Year 12.
2. These course options are provisional, depending on demand they may change.
3. Entrance criteria may change depending on demand (if a course is oversubscribed, priority will be given to students with the highest grades).
Level 3 Entry Requirements
- Students wishing to study ‘AS’ qualifications will usually need to have achieved at least a grade ‘B’ in their chosen subject.
- Students following a full package of ‘AS’ qualifications will normally also have at least 5 GCSEs at grade ‘C’ or above. Where students have fewer grades at this level, a personalised package of Level 2 qualifications can be put together to suit the learner’s profile.
- BTEC & Cambridge Technical Level 3 courses will require students to attain a range of ‘C’ GCSE passes.
- All students are expected to take GCSE Maths and iGCSE English if they do not have a grade C or above.
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