Mrs. K McPolin (Head of Department)
What is Sociology?
Sociology deals with the structure and functioning of societies, the nature of social interaction, the relationship between the individual and society, and the nature of change in human societies.
Students will study the nature of sociological evidence and the methods used by sociologists to understand and explain society and make conclusions on the impact of class, gender, age and ethnicity on individuals and society.
Through creative teaching in a positive atmosphere, the Sociology department will provide students with an increased understanding of their place in the world and a heightened curiosity about why individuals, groups, communities and whole societies work the way they do.
What sort of work will I be doing?
Students will study five key topics: Families and Households, Education, Beliefs in Society, Crime and Deviance and Sociological Theory and Methods. Students will learn different theories that sociologists use to explain the workings of society. Students will learn the importance of not taking things for granted and the need to question ideas and evidence. A variety of resources, from films, documentaries and newspapers, will be studied and students will be taught to work in groups and independently. They will be able to express sociological ideas effectively in both written and verbal forms.
How will I be assessed?
Candidates will sit two exam papers at the end of Year 13 to complete AS Level Sociology, and answer questions ranging from short answer to essay responses. Candidates will sit three exams at the end of Year 14 to complete A Level Sociology. The exam board is AQA.
What will be expected of me?
Students must have an interest in the workings of their society and an enquiring mind. Students are encouraged to keep up with current affairs and watch the news or read a newspaper regularly. Thorough independent revision, essay writing and past paper practice are essential for success in this subject.
Careers and Sociology
Studying Sociology can provide you with an extensive range of exciting career options, including:
- Social Work
- Journalism
- Nursing
- Law
- Policing
- Teaching
- Advertising
- Human Resources
Useful Weblinks
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