Balmoral Show 2018 Thursday 17th May
1. Pupils view the show, in groups of no less than four.
2. If any pupil requires the assistance of a member of staff, please report to a show helper,for a public announcement. In an emergency contact the school: - 02897562518 who will contact Mrs Potter.
3. Pupils provide their own lunch.
4. Casual clothes – no football tops.
5. Pupils remain inside the show grounds at all times.
6. All pupils travel back to school, unless a written request is made.
7. Parents to arrange collection.
8. Respect other people/property at all times.
9. School rules apply on the trip.
10. Enjoy your day and collect information for projects.
11. All pupils report to their assigned member of staff.
12. Trip leader Mrs Potter – please contact me if you require any additional information.
13. Assemble at entrance- 15 pm - no pupil to leave the show grounds AT ANY TIME- stay inside.
14. Sun Cream must be applied before and during the show, weather permitting.
Leave school: 9.30 a.m. Return to school: 5.00 p.m. approx.
"We are a caring and committed multi-faith school, confident in meeting the needs of every child."

52 Crossgar Road
Co Down
BT24 8XS

028 9756 2518