eTwinning project in Geography
Congratulations to our Head of Geography Miss R Sloan who recently facilitated a project with pupils between IC Aristide Gabelli, Misterbianco in Sicily and St Colman’s High and Sixth Form College.
Students were working in Geography during term 1 on homework and classwork tasks for the project called the Earth and Natural features. Apps were incorporated into the activities to stimulate creativity and the use of ICT in class. The project involved tasks on the Structure of the Earth.
The Italian students shared information about Mount Etna and students from St Colman’s shared their knowledge about tectonic activity in Northern Ireland and used the Giant’s Causeway as a case study example. Students exchanged live chat information and created presentations.
The project involved students aged 13-15 years. The tasks were completed through an online platform called a Twinspace.
From term 2 onwards, teachers from both schools worked on creating an emagazine by using the work that was produced by the students on the Twinspace.
Check out our pupils innovative and creative emagazine on the link below!
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