Examination Board: WJEC
Specification: Media Studies GCE A/ AS
Why study Media?
In today’s society we are increasingly expecting more and more media content to be available; up to date, and as easily accessible as possible.
Whether surfing the internet iPhones or computers, TV or radio these industries require skilled professionals to research and produce the content.
What will I learn about?
Course objectives:
- Enhance learners own knowledge of the media and its role in their daily lives.
- Engage with media products and concepts using appropriate technical and creative skills.
- Explore production processes, technologies and other relevant contexts.
- Become independent in research skills developing their own views and interpretations.
How is it taught?
There is no requirement to have taken Media at GCSE level but a C or above in GCSE English is preferable.
Assessment is both internal and external. There are a total of 4 units, 2 AS units and 2 A2 units.
MS1 (AS) Media Representations & Responses. An external exam worth 50%. Unit aims to provide candidates with a framework for analysing the media. Exploring representations and audience responses.
MS2 (AS) Media Production Processes. Internal coursework worth 50%. Unit aims to develop student’s technical skills by producing a script for an opening scene Horror Film. Students must produce a DVD to accompany the script and promote the film by producing a poster.
MS3 (A2) Media Investigation & Production. An internal piece of coursework worth 50%. Unit aims to develop the knowledge and skills acquired at AS. Candidates will be able to demonstrate the importance of research in informing media production. Students will produce a four minute film which reflects their area of research, Candidates conclude by evaluating the process.
MS4 (A2) Media-Text, Industry and Audience, external 50%. Unit aims to develop candidates’ knowledge and understanding of the relationship between media texts, their audiences and the industries which produce and distribute them.
How will I be assessed?
MS1 (AS) Media Representations & Responses (50% External assessment) MS2 (AS) Media Production Processes (50% Internal assessment)
MS3 (A2) Media Investigation & Production (50% Internal assessment) MS4 (A2) Media-Text, Industry and Audience (50% External assessment)
Pathways to future careers/courses Advertising and marketing industries both value media studies graduates, recruiting them into media planning and advertising account management, copywriting and market research.
Alternatively, other suitable careers can be found within broadcasting, producing or presenting radio or television, as well as producing magazines, newspaper and internet content.
Progression: HND courses/ Degree Courses
Entry requirements
5 A*- C
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